You probably know that there are many cool things about having your own air conditioning system: from the convenience of turning it on and just chilling out, to having ice-cold water when you want a cold drink. But did you know that AC systems also have some benefits for your health? In this article, we’ll discuss how these benefits make air conditioning an important part of any home’s comfort upkeep.
This article discusses various reasons why air conditioning is important. As you continue reading, you’ll find out about:
- What is air conditioning for?
- How air conditioning works and how it cools your home
- What are the health benefits of air conditioning?
What is Air Conditioning For?
If you live in a region that has hot summers, or if you have ever lived in such a place, you know how uncomfortable it can get. Hot weather can make the air harder to breathe and even more difficult to bear at times. And then there are those days when the temperature is just above what makes it comfortable – an unseasonably warm day. And if you are not home all day, it can be worse still.
It may sound like an exaggeration to suggest that the air in your home is hot, but think about it: What would be more uncomfortable than coming home from work to a high temperature inside? Or what if your cooler evenings have been replaced by temperatures that are uncomfortably hot?
Air conditioners are there to bring comfort and coolness wherever they are needed. They do this by circulating the interior air with cool air in the summer and warmer air in the winter. While these units make the atmosphere indoors cooler, they also keep it relatively cleaner for you at the same time.
Air conditioners remove dust, allergens and other airborne pollutants from the air. These continue to circulate throughout your home unless an air conditioner is installed.
How Air Conditioning Works and How It Cools Your Home
An air conditioning system consists of five main parts: condenser, evaporator, control system, refrigerant lines and fan. The condenser is located on the outside of your home or business. This is where hot air from the inside is cooled down by a fan. The hot air then passes through a cooling coil that will cool it further into warm-hot water. This warm-hot water then travels through copper tubing into an outdoor unit called the evaporator coil. This is where the moisture is removed, leaving the outside air to enter your home.
On its way through the whole system, the hot water evaporates and cools down. The evaporator coil also prevents temperature swings in the room so that one temperature stays constant throughout the day. When this happens, there will be less energy used to maintain that temperature. Also, because there are fewer fluctuations in temperature, we are able to occupy our homes for a longer period of time without having to keep coolers on standby or have ice packs on hand all the time.
This is what your air conditioning system is meant to do: Remove humidity and cold to keep the air inside your home at a consistent temperature. It will also prevent outside air from entering the home, damaging floors and reducing the value of your property.
What are the Health Benefits of Air Conditioning?
It isn’t only comfort that makes AC systems such an important part of our lives; it also has great health benefits. In fact, about 50% of those who use air conditioners in homes live five years longer than those who don’t.
• Respiratory Problems
Air conditioning systems are a great way to safeguard yourself against respiratory problems. If you have asthma, allergies or other breathing issues, an air conditioner can help you maintain the right temperature without over-exerting yourself.
• Perspiration
Everyone knows that a warm room is more likely to cause sweating. This isn’t a problem if you’re exercising but what if you just want to walk around your living room? Perspiration can cause chills and even some serious health issues in some cases. Air conditioning systems will do away with this problem for the most part. Keeping your home at a comfortable temperature eliminates this issue for many people.
• Health Issues
Many people who suffer from health issues like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypoglycemia, depression or even heart problems can experience renewed vitality with an air conditioning system. Studies have found that patients who take medication for these conditions have literally reversed their conditions after living around an AC unit. Also, cardiovascular diseases are more prevalent in those who live in hot weather and air conditioning can help to alleviate this problem for many more people.
• Pain Reduction
While there is no concrete evidence to suggest that air conditioning improves your general health, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence about its benefits for pain reduction. One of the ways it can help with pain is by reducing tissue temperature. Reducing the temperature of your pain receptors means that they will have less work to do so they don’t get confused or overworked, leading to greater levels of pain relief.
What to Consider When Buying an Air Conditioning System?
You will find air conditioning units are a great place to spend money on for your home’s comfort and health benefits as well. Take into consideration what kind of air conditioning system you need for your home when buying one. There are two basic types: central and portable.
Central air conditioning systems are installed in one location of the home and were developed to cool the entire household. These systems need to be installed by a professional at a substantial cost. Although modern central air conditioners are more efficient with energy usage than ever, they still don’t make up for their high installation costs. The average rooftop unit costs $5,000 USD to $10,000 USD as opposed to a central unit which can cost as much as $20,000 USD or more.
Portable air conditioners are better than nothing at all but they won’t be able to cool your home properly because they cool so slowly. They also have a higher risk for damage because they don’t have regular maintenance. As the temperature of your home rises due to the ambient temperature, portable AC units won’t be able to keep up. This will cause them to overwork and even burn out if they aren’t adjusted properly or monitored.
Ceiling or portable air conditioners are also not good for cooling large areas with high ceilings or extra windows, as they need a central system that can reach all of these spots in order to cool them all properly at once. Central air conditioning is preferred because it has a faster cooling mechanism than any other kind. It can cool the entire house in under an hour when needed and you won’t have to feel the change in temperature, which is great.
Air conditioning systems have helped a lot of people live healthier, more comfortable lives. They have also made it possible for more people to enjoy their homes all year round. However, they are expensive to install and this is why many people don’t even think about buying AC systems until they become absolutely necessary.
To save you money on your next home AC system, order one from
Spectrum Heating and Air to get the best deals on high-quality air conditioners for your home or business.